Sunday, August 25, 2013

Another Wild Ride!

Ah, the market giveth and it taketh away. Yes, indeed, it was another volatile ride in the markets this week. Wednesday took a bit out recent portfolio gains and the Thursday and Friday gave us some of it back. I fully expect the volatility we've been seeing to continue this week. After Labor Day the market should settle down when Wall Street gets back from its summer vacation. Ustinov so you know, this is pretty typical market behavior for August.

I probably need to talk about Staples (SPLS) right about now. SPLS took it n the chin this week. The stock lost more than $2.50 per share on the week or just under 16%. So what happened? The company reported its quarterly earnings and missed street expectations! Particularly worrisome to Wall Street was same store sales declined. If you couple that with the general beating all retail stocks have been taking, the market reacted quite violently driving SPLS down. SPLS's stock price plummeted through its 90-Day SMA  finally find support at its 200-Day SMA. I could sell the stock right now, eating the lose and using the lose to offset taxes on the gain BUT despite the weak quarterly report, I believe SPLS is still a good company. So given the nature of August in the market and the fact the SPLS is still above its 200-Day SMA I am holding on to it for a little while to see what it does in the short term. It is also worth noting here that the stock is wildly oversold at this point.

Shares of DUK took a little bit of a hit on the week too. Nothing major happened to the company. DUK is as rock solid as ever but it is what is considered a dividend stock, it tend to react to what is going on in the bond market. Since bonds feel last week driving interest rates up, DUK followed suit. DUK also went ex-dividend $0.78 pr share last week too. The portfolio will be seeing a $78.00 addition to the cash balance on the payment date. And just for the record AA paid its dividend on Saturday so the portfolio picked up another $15.00 in cash. 

The rest of the portfolio held its own particular IAG which continues to benefit from the recent rise in gold prices. Gold is quickly climbing back to the $1400 per ounce level. All in all the portfolio is performing well with gains of just under 3.5% since its inception in early June. Market performance as measured by the SP500 is up just shy of 1.5% so basically the portfolio is outperforming the market by more than 2X. I'm still looking for other investment opportunities but still have not found anything worth buying.

07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG div. disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)
19 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.38 per share (BUY)
26 July 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.53 per share (BUY )
26 July 13 - 500 shrs XRX @ $9.69 per share (BUY)
06 August 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.23 per share (SOLD)
06 August 13 - 100 shrs XRX @ $9.97 per share (BUY)
15 August 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.73 per share (BUY)
24 August 13 - AA div. disbursement, 0.03 per share, $15.00 (INCOME)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (24 August 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $  13,698.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 6.71                                                   $   6,710.00
 500 shares AA - $ 8.05                                                    $    4,050.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 66.35                                               $   6,635.00
 200 shares GE - $23.78.                                                  $   4,756.00
300 shares SPLS - $14.20                                                $    4,260.00
700 shares WEN - $7.95                                                  $   5,565.00
600 shares XRX - $10.04                                                 $    6,024.00

Total                                                                                   $ 51,673.00
                                                                                                   +  3.346%
Pending DUK Dividend Disbursement.                        $            78.00  
Effective Total                                                               $     51,751.00
                                                                                                      + 3.502%

Please note that the account will not receive the DUK Dividend until September 17th at which time we can add it back into the cash balance.

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - $ 7.70 (updated 09 August 2013)
DUK - $ 65.00 (updated 09 August 2013)
GE - $22.75
SPLS - no longer valid
WEN - $5.50
XRX - $8.90

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Whipsaw Ride!

The market did not disappoint this week. We saw wild swings on light volume. All of the major indices tanked big time on Thursday and pretty much kept going on Friday. The stock market had its first down week in something like seven weeks. Bond yield rates rose and gold and other precious metals blew up through recent  levels of resistance on Thursday.  Gold and the other precious metals gave a little of that back on Friday. Fortunately, the IAG position in the portfolio made it an up week for the portfolio as IAG got a huge push up from the big jump in gold prices.

All of this market volatility did bring the prices of stocks down enough to for them to merit the attention of watching them with my model. I DO NOT have any new buy recommendations as of yet though. The market volatility also did not throw a sell flag up on any of the portfolio positions either. Staples got close but held its support at the $16.80 level. Given the overall volatility of the market and the fact the retailers Walmart and Macy's dragged retailers in general down when they missed earnings expectation, I'm inclined to give Staples a little leeway. In fact, I added 100 shares to the portfolio on the Thursday dip. For those of you that don't know, Staples is the second biggest online retailer behind Amazon. 

In other news for stocks in the portfolio, DUK went ex-dividend last week. The portfolio will pick $78.00 on the 15th of September. Unfortunately, a couple brokerage houses downgraded AA during the last week citing the glut of aluminum in the world markets at present. I'm still a big fan of AA just for the way the company is run. And while it seems the US economy is stuck in neutral, there appears to be some life starting show it's head in the world economy particularly Europe.

Given the highs of the last few months, I am not going to chase trendy stocks. Last week only pulled markets about 3% off of their recent highs and I think there maybe a little more downside pressure until after Labor Day when everyone gets back from vacation and volume picks up again. Expecting more downside pressure means I need to find more potential candidates to add to the portfolio. Interestingly enough, given the looming increase in interest rates, I like regional banks at this point and am keeping my eye on a couple of them. One stock I am particularly keen on is Huntington Bancshares (HBAN). I'm not ready to add it to the portfolio yet but I am watching the bank.
 SP 500 6 Month Daily Chart
07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG div. disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)
19 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.38 per share (BUY)
26 July 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.53 per share (BUY )
26 July 13 - 500 shrs XRX @ $9.69 per share (BUY)
06 August 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.23 per share (SOLD)
06 August 13 - 100 shrs XRX @ $9.97 per share (BUY)
15 August 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.73 per share (BUY)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (16 August 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $  13,682.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 6.31                                                   $   6,310.00
 500 shares AA - $ 8.12                                                    $    4,060.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 67.05                                               $   6,705.00
 200 shares GE - $23.95                                                   $   4,790.00
300 shares SPLS - $16.84                                                $    5,052.00
700 shares WEN - $7.78                                                  $   5,446.00
600 shares XRX - $10.30                                                 $    6,180.00

Total                                                                                   $ 52,226.00
                                                                                               +  4.452%
Pending AA Dividend Disbursement.                           $          15.00
Pending DUK Dividend Disbursement.                        $          78.00  
Effective Total                                                                 $   52,319.00
                                                                                               + 4.638%

Please note that the account will not receive the AA Dividend until August 25th at which time we can add it back into the cash balance.

Please note that the account will not receive the DUK Dividend until September 17th at which time we can add it back into the cash balance.

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - $ 7.70 (updated 09 August 2013)
DUK - $ 65.00 (updated 09 August 2013)
GE - $22.75
SPLS - $16.70 (updated 16 August 2013)
WEN - $5.50
XRX - $8.90

Monday, August 12, 2013

Hold On For The Ride!

Well, the market had its first losing week in quite some time. Gold tanked to $1270 and the rebounded back to just over $1310 this week. What we saw was just what I told you to expect, volatility on light volume. It was so wild this week, the SP500 had its worst week since August 2006. But there is a silver lining, our Magic Money Portfolio enjoyed a nice gain this week. The portfolio was up 0.862% ($454).  Making money is always a good thing.

The last time I told you ENTG was sitting dangerously close to its stop-lose price. Well, it fell through that price and I sold the position. Yes, I sold it at a small loose ($170 or -3.6%) but as you can see from the portfolio performance that small lose was inconsequential to the overall performance. When things go bad you HAVE to get out! On the other hand, XRX had a nice little pull back, 10% off its recent high, so I added another 100 shares to the portfolio. By the end of the week XRX made the portfolio a little extra money.

WEN had great week. They reported earnings that beat the street estimates and they raised their dividend by 25%. When the rest of the market was trying to decide in which direction to go, WEN just kept going up and is now more than a $1.00 higher than the portfolio purchase price. And in another stock note, AA shot up $0.31 on Friday after the news that Russia was going to stock pile aluminum.  AA also went ex-dividend on Wednesday. I will be looking for a pull back to around $8.00 for AA to possibly add to the portfolio position. Could this be a beginning to the long awaited economic recover? Only time will tell.

I wish I could say things will settle down next week but I wouldn't bet on it. We are still in August and by the very nature of the beast you should expect to see more volatility on light volume. Despite all of that I continue to look for those deals that my model says it is time to buy. I don't have anything new this week but keep watching because you never know when an opportunity will pop up. Right now, the portfolio is still roughly 30% cash.


07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG div disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)
19 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.38 per share (BUY)
26 July 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.53 per share (BUY )
26 July 13 - 500 shrs XRX @ $9.69 per share (BUY)
06 August 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.23 per share (SOLD)
06 August 13 - 100 shrs XRX @ $9.97 per share (BUY)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (09 August 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $  15,366.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 5.01                                                   $    5,010.00
 500 shares AA - $ 8.22                                                    $    3,985.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 70.77                                               $    7,077.00
 200 shares GE - $24.25                                                    $    4,850.00
200 shares SPLS - $16.95                                                 $    3,390.00
700 shares WEN - $7.91                                                   $    5,537.00
600 shares XRX - $10.03                                                  $   6, 018.00

Total                                                                                   $ 51,358.00
                                                                                                +  2.72%

Pending AA Dividend disbursement.                          $          $15.00
Effective Total                                                               $      51,373.00
                                                                                                  + 2.75%

Please note that the account will not receive the AA Dividend until August 25th at which time we can add it back into the cash balance.

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - $ 7.70 (updated 09 August 2013)
DUK - $ 65.00 (updated 09 August 2013)
GE - $22.75
SPLS - $16.10 (updated 26 July 2013)
WEN - $5.50
XRX - $8.90

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Dog Days of August

Earnings season is about to wrap up and put us smack into the middle of the August doldrums in the market. What does that mean for us as investors? Well, volume dries up and volatility increases making the market a bit choppy to navigate so just hold on until Wall Street comes back from summer vacation at the end of the month. While the Magic Money Portfolio is only two months old, August does afford us an opportunity to catch our breath and take a look at what we have done to date. In fact, I am not adding any new holdings to the portfolio this week. The portfolio is sitting on roughly a 23% cash position so I will look for any good opportunities on pullbacks before I add to the portfolio.

DUK, GE, SPLS, WEN and XRX have all enjoyed a nice little run up thanks to the recent leg of the rally the market has had.  Look for a little profit taking by the the big traders on the street and consolidation in price but barring any major bad news, these five stocks are likely hang around their current levels through the next few weeks. Additionally, as I mentioned previously, I did some readjustment to my personal portfolio and initiated a long position in XRX.

ENTG is sitting right over my stop-loss price and is kind of flip of the coin right now. ENTG has not taken part in the recent rally but investors may find it more attractive in the upcoming weeks and push its price higher while they readjust their positions in stocks that have enjoyed a price increase over the last month.  On a technical note, ENTG is sitting on its 200-day moving average (200SMA) which is proving to be a support level for the stock.  If ENTG falls through its support, look to sell the stock and wait for another opportunity to buy into it. 

AA is stuck in its trading range and is not likely to see much movement until the economy builds up a bigger head of steam but we knew that when we added it to the portfolio. AA should be trading ex-dividend within the next week to ten days. Yes, I know AA has been a market laggard but I wholly believe this stock has some very good upside potential as the economy recovers. I'm not sure when that will happen but hang in there.

Finally, we come to IAG. This gold miner/producer has had a wild ride with the price of gold. Gold seems to have found a temporary home, trading in a range between $1300 and $1320 an ounce but the precious metals shows all the signs of another pending run up. IAG has been running into resistance at the $5.50 level but I suspect that has a lot to do with gold meeting resistance at the $1320 level. IAG has come down to a minor support level at $4.75, it's 50SMA. Should IAG fall through that level it should find major support at the $4.50 level. Ultimately, what the stock does at this point is tied directly to the price of gold. If we get another run up in the price of gold and subsequently a run up in the price of IAG, I will start taking profits off of the table when the price exceeds the $6.25 level. If and when this happens, it is not in my providence to know. All I can suggest is to hold on for now. We knew this was going to be a wild ride when added to the portfolio originally. IAG will be reporting earnings on August 11th so keep an eye out for some wild price fluctuations. 

IAG 1-Year Price Chart w/Moving Averages

Since I haven't added or changed any positions in the Magic Money Portfolio, here is an update for the close of trading on August 02, 2013.

07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG dividend disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)
19 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.38 per share (BUY)
26 July 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.53 per share (BUY )
26 July 13 - 500 shrs XRX @ $9.69 per share (BUY)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (02 August 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $  11,768.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 4.81                                                   $   4,810.00
 500 shares AA - $ 7.97                                                    $   3,985.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 71.75                                               $   7,175.00
 200 shares GE - $24.70                                                   $   4,940.00
200 shares SPLS - $17.00                                                $   3,400.00
700 shares WEN - $7.33.                                                 $   5,131.00
500 shares XRX - $10.00                                                 $   5,000.00
500 share ENTG -  $9.42                                                 $    4,710.00

Total                                                                                   $ 50,919.00
                                                                                                 +  1.84%

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - none at present
DUK - none at present
GE - $22.75
SPLS - $16.10 (updated 26 July 2013)
WEN - $5.50
XRX - $8.90
ENTG - $9.30

Friday, July 26, 2013

Adding To The Portfolio On A Pullback

It was another wild week on Wall Street. The street saw a borage of earnings report will still quite a few more to go. The President started a speaking tour to talk about the economy only to watch the market drop and interest rates climb with every word he said. The debate in financial circles is about who will succeed Ben Bernanke. Friday even saw the markets swing heavily to the negative side in the morning only climb back and close up higher.  But in the end, the value of the Magic Money Portfolio went up.

Finding value in the current market is tricky to say the least. I followed my own advice and doubled my personal position in Staples (SPLS) when the stock dipped earlier in the week. My model flipped up two BUY Flags a weeks or so ago and the stocks both had a nice pull backs recently making them very attractive. Unfortunately, my margin is currently stretched to my set maximum level so I am not able to add either stock to my own portfolio. This will happen from time to time. I will get a BUY Flag but not have the resources to act on it. Should my model give me a SELL Flag on any of my current holdings I will replace it with these stocks The two stocks about which I am talking are Entgeris (ENTG) and Xerox (XRX).

ENTG is not a real familiar stock to most people. ENTG is Mid-Cap business in the information technology sector. The company makes items used in the manufacturing processes for semi-conductors and other high-tech industries. It has a wide diversification in its product line covering everything from biomedical supplies to solar power cells. A number of analysts and brokerage firms upgraded the stock recently. I've seen price projections from $11.50 up $18.50. My model says look for something in the $13 to $14 range.

XRX is a familiar name to most people but Xerox is no longer just a copier company. Today's XRX not only sells copiers, copier supplies and copier services, they expanded into the document management and business processes arena. Throw into the mix that XRX has a global presence with roughly only 65% of its business derived in the United States. The analyst are mixed on XRX having it all over the spectrum from Strong Sell to Strong Buy. The price projections for XRX range anywhere from $7 to $18 depending on on which analysis you look. My model says buy looking for a price point in the $13 to $14 range.

Now take a look the numbers or both companies.

Book Value :
    ENTG: $5.04
     XRX: $9.37

Fair Market Value:
    ENTG: $10.10
     XRX: $15.20

Cash to Long Term Debt:
    ENTG: No Long Term Debt
     XRX : 0.1673 or about 6 times more debt (not great but workable)

    ENTG:  None
     XRX: $0.23 per share or about 2.4% (close July 26, 2013)

Entegris (ENTG) 1-Year Price Chart

Xerox (XRX) 1-Year Price Chart

Okay, so here we go, I am going to add 500 shares each of ENTG and XRX to the Magic Money Portfolio.  I do have a stop-loss for each, $9.30 for ENTG and $8.90 for XRX. Yes, I know these are tight but remember I am buying them on a pullback and if for some reason these pullbacks go bad, I want to get out quickly.

07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG dividend disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)
19 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.38 per share (BUY)
26 July 13 - 500 shrs ENTG @ $9.53 per share (BUY )
26 July 13 - 500 shrs XRX @ $9.69 per share (BUY)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (26 July 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $  11,768.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 5.34                                                   $   5,340.00
 500 shares AA - $ 8.07                                                    $   4,035.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 70.79                                               $   7,079.00
 200 shares GE - $24.65                                                   $   4,930.00
200 shares SPLS - $16.54                                                $   3,308.00
700 shares WEN - $7.14                                                  $   4,998.00
500 shares XRX - $9.69                                                   $   4,845.00
500 share ENTG -  $9.53                                                 $    4765.00

Total                                                                                $ 51, 068.00
                                                                                             +  2.136%

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - none at present
DUK - none at present
GE - $22.75
SPLS - $16.10 (updated 26 July 2013)
WEN - $5.50
XRX - $8.90
ENTG - $9.30

A quick note on how I pick the number of shares to buy. I use the basic ballpark rule of 10%. I divide 5000 by the purchase price of the shares being bought and round DOWN to the nearest block of 100 shares.  Obviously, this does not work if the price per share is over $50 as in the case of DUKE. At the end of each quarter I change the 5000 to reflect one-tenth of the portfolio balance.

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Quick Update

Just a quick update tonight, Staples (SPLS) dipped below that $16.40 mark I mentioned a few entries back so I added another 100 shares to the Magic Money Portfolio for $16.38 per share. This purchase brings our average share purchase price down to $16.525 from $16.67. So here is what the portfolio looks like as of the market close today.

07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG dividend disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)
19 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.38 per share (BUY)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (19 July 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $ 21,398.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 4.69                                                   $   4,690.00
 500 shares AA - $ 8.07                                                    $   4,045.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 70.88                                               $   7,088.00
 200 shares GE - $24.72                                                   $   4,944.00
200 shares SPLS - $16.47                                                $   3,294.00
700 shares WEN - $6.69                                                   $   4,683.00

Total                                                                                   $ 50,132.00

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - none at present
DUK - none at present
GE - $22.75
SPLS - $15.80
WEN - $5.50

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Check Out These Buns!

Talk about some volatility in the markets, what a week it has been. Gold is still all over the place, bunching all the way back up to $1290/oz. A couple of Wall Street biggies, McDonalds and Microsoft both get a downgrade. Long term interest rates bounced up to the 2.5% range on the 10 year note and 3.6% on the 30 year note. The equity markets went on a tear and set all kinds of new highs.

I'm still grinding numbers through my model and I found another buy I like. Take a look at Wendy's (WEN). It certainly isn't the industry Titan like McDonalds but it has remade itself after the turmoil of the last few years and is set up for a great turnaround success story. I'm looking for WEN to move up to $9.00 to $10.00 range but I have seen analyst estimate as high as $11 per share. This is a turn around play waiting to shoot up. WEN also has a $0.16 annual dividend (2.5% at current price levels) and WEN doubled their dividend in September 2012. I wouldn't be surprised to see the dividend increased again in the next 12 months. 

Wendy's (WEN) 2-Year Price Data

Taking a quick look at the numbers....

Book Value - about $5.10 per share
Projected Earnings Growth - 15+% each of the next few years. 
WEN Debt-to-Equity Ratio is 0.74, low for the sector
On the Technical Side - Broke through major resistant at $6.20 per share

I am going to add 700 shares of WEN to the Magic Money Portfolio at $6.81 per share (closing on July 18). I am also going to put a stop-loss on the stock at $5.50 per share.

I need to do a little maintenance on the portfolio as well. I am putting a stop-loss on IAG at $3.90 and at $22.75 on GE.

07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG dividend disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (18 July 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $ 27,757.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 4.44                                                   $   4,440.00
 500 shares AA - $ 8.21                                                    $   4,105.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 71.15                                               $   7,115.00
 200 shares GE - $23.63                                                   $   4,726.00
100 shares SPLS - $16.60                                                 $  1,660.00
700 shares WEN - $6.81                                                   $  4,767.00

Total                                                                                   $49,858.00

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - none at present
DUK - none at present
GE - $22.75
SPLS - $15.80
WEN - $5.50