Friday, July 19, 2013

A Quick Update

Just a quick update tonight, Staples (SPLS) dipped below that $16.40 mark I mentioned a few entries back so I added another 100 shares to the Magic Money Portfolio for $16.38 per share. This purchase brings our average share purchase price down to $16.525 from $16.67. So here is what the portfolio looks like as of the market close today.

07 June 13 - 1000 shrs IAG @ $5.29 per share.  (BUY)
13 June 13 - 500 shrs AA @ $8.20 per share.  (BUY)
21 June 13 - 100 shrs DUK @ $65.58 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - 200 shrs GE @ $23.19 per share. (BUY)
28 June 13 - IAG traded ex-dividend $0.125 per share
11 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.67 per share (BUY)
11 July 13 - IAG dividend disbursement, $0.125 per share, $125 (INCOME)
18 July 13 - 700 shrs WEN @ $6.81 per share (BUY)
19 July 13 - 100 shrs SPLS @ $16.38 per share (BUY)

Magic Money Machine Portfolio (19 July 2013)

Cash:                                                                                 $ 21,398.00
1000 shares IAG- $ 4.69                                                   $   4,690.00
 500 shares AA - $ 8.07                                                    $   4,045.00
 100 shares DUK - $ 70.88                                               $   7,088.00
 200 shares GE - $24.72                                                   $   4,944.00
200 shares SPLS - $16.47                                                $   3,294.00
700 shares WEN - $6.69                                                   $   4,683.00

Total                                                                                   $ 50,132.00

Stop-loss list

IAG - $3.90
AA - none at present
DUK - none at present
GE - $22.75
SPLS - $15.80
WEN - $5.50

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